Monday 30 May 2011

im crying because of stupid friend.

haihh. im soo sad today because 1st time dlm hidup menangis and mengadu nasib dkt akk faruq, reason cz kwn class yg tk brperasaan and kurang ajar. in history today, lect accounting bg tajuk utk group assignment and aku btol2 semangat la kn utk this sem cz mmg dh target nk focus and dpt point tinggi for my result exam. then last minute my group bgtau tknk aku join group dorang. and time tu dh dpt tajuk assignment yg sgt2 la best + agk sng jgk la. tajuknya AIRASIA but hell yeah aku bengang sbab dh tulis note smua, pastu mmb group plak bwthal boleh ckp mcm tu. panas btol hati aku. mmg boleh bwt dendam la. yg bgtau smua ni pun meenu, tp bdk yg tk suka aku tu samantha nama dia. bdk cina yg btol2 dtg dr negara cina, lu bwthal plak skng kn! mmg tk aman la hidup ko lps ni aku kcu. mcm la dia bgs sgt, pdhal dia pun repeat paper acc jgk. bullshit la u bitch. geramnyaa. dorang treat aku mcm sampah plak, ko tgk la aku buktikn kt korang yg aku boleh dpt point tinggi dr korang. bla la! aku bkn desperate sgt pun nk msk group korang wei. sbab aku kesian korang ada 3org je dlm group, tp skng aku kne balik. takpe2, tuhan je tahu mcm mana hati aku skng. makin lama entah knp aku rs ramai org tk suka aku. apehal tah. nak kata aku marah or bwthal dgn dorang takda plak cz aku ada kt college time class je, abis class trus balik rmh. tp ada je org cari psl. harap2 sgt korang dpt balasan yg lbh dr aku kne. ok la, mls nk pk lg. smpai sni sahaja for today. bye2 :)

Sunday 29 May 2011

new sem was start, and homework is killing me.

hi and hello, lama dah tak drop post dkt sini. btw, start frm now my life getting bz and homework is always running in my life. haihh. nama pun student kn, so i have to go with the flow. for this sem i have new subject in add maths. it make me crazy man! and hell yeah, basic pun tkda dlm add maths ni. gila la kn, kne more focus on add maths + accounting. and for the pass few week its my abah birthday (20 May 1962), but im sory abah cz i just make are call and wish on fon for ur birthday. beside that, i still singing for u also rite? ahaha. 1st time dlm hidup ni rsnya nyanyikn lagu birthday utk abah. cz before this im not close with abah. so far, now my relationship with abah getting close. its good cz bila anak dh besar and jrng ada dkt rmh, i can fell how much i love u abah. without u i will not born and still alive now. thanks, and i appreciate u abah. :)

(1 Jun 1993) is my brother birthday. i have to plan something because ur the best brother i ever had. beside that i more up sad cz adik nk pg study dkt terengganu after this. that was to far, and i will miss my brother soo fucking much. sumpah sedih and terkejut gila, and mama yang bgtau smua ni. syg rsnya nak lpskn adik pg study jauh cz selama ni adk selalu tlg akk. arghhh. akk nangis smbil tulis ni. tp nk bwt mcm mana la kn, for ur future jgk. hope adk tk kn follow bdk2 yg tk btol and pls focus on ur study. jgn nk menggatal ada gf smua. akk tk suka, lgpun adk tk pnh ada gf selama ni. so, blum masanya lg kot kn. ok2. stop for crying now, i have to think positive about this. if not i will fall sick. till here is my tears, we will continues next time ok. much love to all who's reading my blog. <3

Thursday 12 May 2011

if u love somebody, don't make them up sad.

sometime my life feel empty and lonely. cause everybody busy with their own work, me just sitting at home and don't know what to do. i feel up sad, and i don't know with who i want to share it. what i have plan for this holiday, everything it just a dream. bullshit!

i really-really frustrated with all the promised and soo on. ur just simply say, but u don't do things that u have promise. im always tell u that i bored sitting at home, and i don't have friends to talk and chilling. u just ignore what have i say to u. u break my heart now. i think its better for me to stay alone and just think about my self. i don't know either we can stay longer together or we just have to take our own ways. god, please help me.

Saturday 7 May 2011

happy mother's day mama.

i miss u mama. i feel want to hold ur hand and hugs u. ur the best mama i ever had, and trust me mama. ur always be my inspiration and without u by my side, i feel unsafe. thanks to you ma, cause u have born me in to this world and u give everything what i want. i promised to you ma, i will study hard and make mama with the whole family proud with me. keep my promised ma. i will always love u till my last breath. happy mothers day mama.