Thursday 12 May 2011

if u love somebody, don't make them up sad.

sometime my life feel empty and lonely. cause everybody busy with their own work, me just sitting at home and don't know what to do. i feel up sad, and i don't know with who i want to share it. what i have plan for this holiday, everything it just a dream. bullshit!

i really-really frustrated with all the promised and soo on. ur just simply say, but u don't do things that u have promise. im always tell u that i bored sitting at home, and i don't have friends to talk and chilling. u just ignore what have i say to u. u break my heart now. i think its better for me to stay alone and just think about my self. i don't know either we can stay longer together or we just have to take our own ways. god, please help me.


  1. chill put! don't be too upset. you still have me.. :).

  2. zana, thanks alot my bff. rindu ko sgt wei. :(
